
In 2021, what digital products opportunities are worth paying attention to?

In 2021, there would have been many expectations for new products. However, due to the epidemic, many manufacturers’ product releases have been troubled, and many innovative products have not been successfully launched in 2020, such as the Olympic Games have been postponed, every time the Olympic Games are like this International competitions will bring many innovative products. But from a long-term perspective, this is not necessarily bad news, because after a year of precipitation, we believe that in 2021, there will be more new products from different vendors on the market, so which products or opportunities are worthwhile Are we concerned?
1. Smart earphones
The development of earphones this year is in a state of explosive growth. The main reason is the application of technology. The original traditional earphones are mainly focused on the improvement of sound quality, while the main direction of the new earphones has become convenient. Use + social currency + intelligence. So after Apple launched AirPods, earphones became the direction for various brands to compete. In December 2020, a company called Heng Technology was listed. This is a SoC chip manufacturer whose main business is smart audio SoC chips. The products are mainly used in smart blue earphones and Type-C. Low-power smart audio terminal products such as earphones and smart speakers. The issue price was 162.07 yuan/share, December 16th, Heng Technology opened at 391.00 yuan/share, an increase of 141.25%, which shows how high expectations are for smart phones. It is expected that in 2021, smart earphones will develop towards smart noise reduction, voice interaction, and diversified appearance. Individual companies may launch earphones with storage functions, that is, earphones are music players. Of course, some earphone vendors may add functions such as GPS positioning, motion monitoring, and rate detection for differentiation. Low-end earphones will not be used for the time being due to technical and cost reasons. However, in the category of smart earphones, consumers often value brands and system states, so the road to a new brand to go public will be much longer. Without the blessing of capital, marketing choices need to be more professional and pragmatic. Of course As the domestic market is huge, as long as it is intensive and diligent, there are still many opportunities. However, I still need to remind you that while doing a good job in the domestic market, you must not give up the expansion of overseas markets. Although many countries overseas have severe epidemics, the overseas market is also a mineral mine from a long-term perspective.
2. Mixed reality glasses
Virtual reality products had an extraordinary explosion a few years ago, but due to poor product use experience, they have gradually disappeared in the retail market. However, with the maturity of various technologies and the commercial application of some new technologies, such as eye-tracking technology, LiDAR lidar scanner technology, commercial use of 5G, etc., new mixed reality glasses are ready to emerge.
In 2020, the Pico Interactive Neo 2 Eye VR Headset was rated as one of the 100 technological inventions of 2020 by Time Magazine. I believe that more chambers of commerce will enter this field in 2021, but if you want to achieve more functions, there are There are more places to innovate, so there will be changes in the industry, but it is just beginning.
3. Smart wearable
Wearable devices, what if "smart" is added? I believe that this field is promising for the next annual meeting, because in the era of the Internet of Things, human data is the most valuable. Of course, with the digitization, different countries will have certain data protection in the future, but this will not hinder the ambition of many companies. Domestic Huawei, China, China, etc. have already occupied a considerable market share, and now OPPO, Vivo is also beginning to strengthen this area. In 2021, in addition to the mobile phone brands, we can focus on the development of Honor Smart Wearables. After all, there are self-contained mobile phones, and we will definitely find new addition points, and it is easy to build a self-closing loop. In addition, there will be more smart wearable brand companies in Shenzhen and other places, focusing on companies with medical investment background, especially companies that have breakthroughs in professional fields such as pressure monitoring and electrogram detection. If they can still have good interaction Experience platform, it is easy to form a closed loop. Of course, these tests can be medically certified, and that will be promising.
4. Flexible screen products
In 2020, regardless of whether it is Samsung or Huawei, the foldable screens released will be more explosive, and some will even be sold at a high premium. Why do people have such high expectations for this kind of mobile phones? In fact, one reason is that mass production is small and scarce; today, when mobile phones are homogenized, the market lacks high-end differentiated products. With the technological breakthroughs made by companies such as and Rouyu Technology on flexible screens, it is expected that such products will show more innovation in 2021. Of course, innovation is not only limited to mobile phones, e-books, tablet computers, and even notebooks that have the opportunity to use flexible screens, making technology products both portable and highly experienced. This is one of the future trends.
5. Smart health
In 2020, there is a special explosion of a product, the fascia gun. The mini fascia gun is even hard to find in a period of time. In fact, the fascia gun is not a new product. It turns out that there is such a product in the middle-end gym. It is estimated that this year’s explosion is due to the epidemic, and it is necessary to relax a little after home time; another reason is the original one. Thousand-yuan high-end professional products are now compact, as long as one hundred yuan. However, it cannot be denied that most of these products are non-intelligent, and there is a big gap between them and the professional ones. It is expected that more professional smart health products will appear in 2021, including fascia guns, more compact and portable health-care massage equipment and various creative products. It is expected that in 2021 the smart features of such products are the use of smart guidance, data collection, usage reminders, periodic reports, etc. Because the popularity of products has reached a certain scale, we look forward to different opportunities in the field of smart health. There will be more unexpected products in this direction, so you must keep your eyes open to see the true and false, and see if it is an opportunity.
6. Hairdressing and cosmetic products
But there are more signs in 2020, and domestic brands are on the rise. It is expected that in 2021, electronic products such as beauty, hairdressing, and cosmetics will have more localization. Based on the previous low-end emergence, there will be more mid-range products. Quality improvement and functional innovation are two. As a result, these brands will need more offline retail stores. If you don't understand this trend, you can pay attention to the direction of the next major brands, such as Yameng, Dyson, Sassoon, etc. The trends of these brands will drive the rise of domestic mid-range products.
7. Trendy play
The listing of Bubble Mart will bring about an effect, that is, the trend of playing games will become more corporate development directions. Of course, it means that this direction will definitely be mixed in 2021. Who will eventually become the king depends on Chaowan's understanding and channel layout. Trendy products are still mainly sold offline. It is expected that more companies will participate. There will be more professional directions such as station B and chain retail such as 1983. We will give a bubble in the future. A summary of the success formula of Pomart is for reference when choosing products.
8. Reader
The electronic reader market has been quiet this year, mainly due to the small market size and the monopoly of key technologies by certain companies. In fact, we were looking forward to the application of color electronic ink screen technology, but unfortunately after Samsung sold all the patents for this direction, we never saw a breakthrough. However, the 2020 epidemic will drive a wave of learning craze, and readers will have a new round of opportunities. This new product includes: large screen (even super large screen, flexible screen), handwriting pen for reading notes, intelligent two-way translation (text and speech), automatic conversion of speech, etc., even some You can collaborate with various content to launch an automatic packaging service. If you get the editor-in-chief Li Xiang to publish 12 books a year, you don’t have to be a real paper book. Electronic books are enough to save energy. , It can also be distributed more conveniently, and even a reading group that reads the same book can be created. This is where the value of development lies. The redesign of small home appliances has led to the explosion of one round of small home appliances. Because the previous small household appliances in China were practical-oriented and did not pay much attention to the appearance and function optimization, these products generally have a relatively long service life, and some rice cookers can reach more than 10 years. This aspect is related to the level of personal income, and one aspect is actually related to product innovation, that is, consumers do not feel the importance of new products, that is, they cannot find the value of buying again. In fact, it is not that the previous small stores did not innovate, but did not create an iterative product upgrade every year. Based on the huge stock market, it may not be necessary to do this.
In this year, a number of emerging companies have intervened in the home appliance industry, operating small home appliances as consumer electrical products, and iteratively updated every year. Your home air purifier is more than just an air purifier. It can also be used for air detection, and it can also be a product that looks beautiful; after two years, the air purifier has added more and different functions, and the use of it will be more time-effective, then you Can I change it? For many friends, changing to a new one may become a rational appeal, which is the same as changing a mobile phone. In 2021, it is expected that there will be more innovations in the field of small household appliances, and the development will be towards the mid-end direction. Instead of making some high-quality and low-cost products, it is of high quality and high quality, which will be the new small household appliances in 2021. An important direction, of course, this is not only the rice cooker, but also more necessities for your life.
10. Electric cigarette
It should be said that electronic cigarettes have been a little over the past two years. Although it is unique in the market, it does not mean that there is no opportunity for this industry. Because it cannot be sold online, offline will become the most important one. Battlefield. We do not encourage smoking, but we cannot deny the existence of social demand. It is expected that there will be more electronic cigarette supervision in 2021, but the products will also develop in two directions, one is popular, sinking the market, and One is the exquisite type, which makes the product more valuable. Because there is no ban on electricity and cigarettes in China before, it is only to strengthen supervision. It is expected that there will be no special policies in 2021. Unless there are particularly important events, the probability is very small.
The rest, like creative, designer jewelry, accessories, light art, etc., are all worthy of attention, and we will share them in more detail in the live broadcast in the future.
In addition, it is said that Apple is about to build it. In fact, Amazon has also placed an order for 100,000 auto-driving cars. Have you considered selling new energy cars in the future, because cars will become consumer power companies in the future? Job! This direction will drive the development of more categories, and it needs the promotion of offline retail. It is a real good opportunity, especially if you have a good shopping mall and high-quality members. If you are real, please don't miss it , Because it is difficult to find a more suitable market than this one.


Contact: Joy Jiang

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